The new site is being launched -'To match our ambition on the field we needed a new digital platform to communicate with our fans, old and new, local and international. '
I have always liked the current site, it has always been easy to use and informative. I can imagine the new site will be even better as the club continue to progress in all areas.
I have received an invitation to the new site launch and have more than gladly accepted to go. I will get a preview of the site and will also be one of the first to use the new site, I will of course do an article about the new site after I have seen it.
In the email it said that they will want feedback on what the new site is like, so is there anything that you think the current official website needs to have?
Can I come with you?
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA already had that off my Brother, so him and my Dad are coming sorry.
ReplyDeleteThere needs to be an open blog so that registered City fans can ask questions of the club and players.
ReplyDeleteI suggest up to date player profiles each with the players own rolling statistics for each season.
I also suggest coverage of reserve and academy league games and up to date academy information be it via a live score centre or live video streaming.
They could fix the store. It looks a mess and they need to change the favicon to a City badge. I did email them but they must have ignored me.
ReplyDeleteIt's about time them did a new site.
Yeah reserve and academy info could do with some work done on it.
ReplyDeleteAlso the stats on players profiles is a good point.
Just so you know if I don't answer your comments in next couple hours it is because I am watching Brazil.
You could ask if it would it be possible for the "host" to to enable us fans to have an mcfc E-Mail address?
ReplyDeletei.e. garynolan@mcfc.co.uk
I think it would be cool, and can't see a technical reason why it couldn't be possible, maybe even for a small subscription so it was self funded?
Interesting one, you should leave your names on your comments!
ReplyDeleteIt needs to have a free live feed to every City match :-)
ReplyDeleteGary, top website of your own mate, well grass roots and very likeable.
ReplyDeleteJoel, French blue
just in general i think they should make a video game like madrid do.
ReplyDeleteHi, exciting. Yeah I'd like to see live feeds of the press conferences as they happen, without having to wait until they're uploaded to MCFCTV.com the next day.
Hi, its City gal.
ReplyDeleteCan't seem to post under my name.
I have some ideas for you (not read posts yet so sorry if repeating):
1. More video content: Historic games and if possible live games especially friendlies when played outside the UK.
2. Video updates for fans on reserves, various youth teams and other City teams such as ladies football.
3. All the press conferences and interviews to broadcasters put on site.
4. More indepth interviews with players rather than what's your favourite colour stuff. Interviews with old favourites and tribute programmes.
5. It would be good if the club included links to sites like this and also provided a place where City fans can interact.
6. Regular daily updates to the site to feed the appetite of the fans(which never happened to a good level with mcfctv)
7. Training sessions.
8. TV type documentary programmes on different aspects of the club.
9. Content purely for children such as City player cartoons and other media content linked to the clubs junior section with health and fitness promoting prog using players.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head Gary. Hope it helps.
The launch will coincide with a major signing...to give it global news appeal - Tevez or Lescott or E'to... watch this space. My brother-in-law is a lawyer acting for one of this parties' representatives and assures me that 'one' of these will be a City player very soon.
ReplyDeleteWhen are you going to the preview & when is the planned launch date.
ReplyDeleteWould have gave some ideas but city gal seems to have that area covered!!
They have not said on the email when the launch date of the site is.
ReplyDeleteI don't really want to release the date that the preview is being held as the email said that only a selct few City fans will get the chance to go and it may make people go down and cause bother trying to get in, it is soon though!
Some good ideas have been added, I think I will compile them in a list and take them with me.
City gal I am not sure why you can't use your name, sign up to a google account that way your name should always be there.
Thanks Joel,French blue. I am just a normal lad and the idea of my blog is to be 'grass roots' as you put it. My blog is basically every City fans blog, I just put up the news or topics and you guys all get your say. Thanks again.
I'd like to see the fixtures published in iCal/caldav format, so you can subscribe to them using google calender/outlook/ical!!!
ReplyDeleteOnline chat to mcfc depts including ticket office would be good. Even better, perhaps a system that logs a message through a one stop shop help desk, giving a refernce number so one can later track the enquiry if it has been forwarded on or forgotten about. Fans can then be allowed the option of giving feedback to say how well the enquiry has been handled.
ReplyDeleteYeah when is it going "live" 01/07?
This is a really small and insignificant request since most have already been suggested but:
1. On the current site players are set out badly with "attacking" midfielders. Midfielders are just that whether they defend or attack. The pictures should be spinning discs like sky have for the crests!!
2. How about a virtual stadium where you can click on different areas and have a cyber look around.
Very jealous!
Were there is a poll of who the fans want to sign
ReplyDeleteLike other comments, would like to see more video content.
ReplyDeleteOne suggestion could be to have a fun game every now and again in training and put the video's on the website. Examples could be like Socceram use - skill school series every month between 2 players (Robinho vs Ireland could be good to watch).
So a fans poll for who we want to sign, you mean you would like them to sign the player with the most votes or just for fun?
ReplyDeleteRight, a few ideas that would really help us all out.
ReplyDelete1, full up-to-date injury room latest with interviews and dates due back and videos
2, Full kept up-to-date blog
3, The ability to post on news direct on the site. We shouldnt have to use external sites to speak to each other, soz ed but it would be a good idea.
3, A much improved "latest news" section
4, An email address to all season ticket holders for free or a small fee for card holders
5, Bolt MCFCTV into the site and give more video feedback free
6, What about a monthly update to training, with pics/videos of the lads going through the mill.
7, O and a biggie here ED, tell the club to open up an MCFCTV Channel on SKY please, now that would be sooooooooooo nice........
Cheers Goatistuta
'We shouldnt have to use external sites to speak to each other, soz ed but it would be a good idea.'
ReplyDeleteI see what your saying here but as a user of blogs before I had my own I think it is better to have external fansites. All are different and it gives people the chance to find the ones that suits them best. If there is just one for everyone on the official site there is no variation.
Apple mac friendly! other than that everyone else seems to have said it all really good to see city moving forward not just on the pitch but as a whole promising times for the blues.
ReplyDeleteGary, yr right, external ones are good, and should never be forgotten. It would still be a major step forward to use the official site to speak to each other.
ReplyDeleteI have been in IT for 20 years and our site and the coverage on it really bugs me. We are outdated in this area which has obviously been noted.
Try to suggest the SKY channel as well mate, that would be soooooo cool and the global coverage of the team training and being interviewed and general view of our club would be priceless. Dont forget its about the idea of the global city brand.
cheers Goatistuta
How about having a letters to our manager section?
ReplyDeleteLOL I don't think our owners would have enough money to take the staff on to be able to manage that section.
ReplyDeleteThe URL structure is really complicated and search engine Unfriendly
ReplyDeleteit's really tough to copy a URL and pass it on via email, for instance
an official blog section where club people can post their blogs. Perhaps players, the groundstaff, coaches, whatever. Just a collection of blogs a bit like the Guardian do. Keep the official news official, but I think this would be a really good complement.
My biggest gripe with the current site is that I registered for MCTV to get a match commentary months ago, I get a subscription deducted every month from my card but have never been able to get a stream from MCTV. Still, if they use this month's few quid to get Tevez I'll be happy enough :-)
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, MCTV is something and nothing, it adds little to the quality of my City life, make it much better or scrap it!
Alphie Izzet
A site for mobile visitors is essential. I'll be amazed if they haven't got mobile content on their new 'digital platform'. Site like NewsNow, BBC and papers like the Guardian do this very well and are rewarded with masses of visitors.
ReplyDeleteI think they should have a section dedicated to defensive midfielders.
ReplyDeleteHow about a section containing contact details regarding complaints about the ticket office (in prticular telephone staff). I have had several problems with them. Many thanks.
ReplyDeletei think they should replace channel 406 on sky with MCFCTV
ReplyDeleteI would like to see better wallapers for PC's and also in 1280 x 800 that most laptops are nowadays. A team shot would be good for a start.
ReplyDeleteId like more downloadable stuff in general please
David White
Agreed Anonymous,
ReplyDeletewould love for City to catch up with the scum, Liverpool, Chelsea, Celtic and Rangers and get our own tv channel
I'd like to see webcams dotted around the ground. It would be good to see the day to day stuff going on, like Ground Staff and general behind the scenes stuff. Perhaps a webcam in the car park so you can see the players arriving. I think things like this would really appeal to fans abroad and make them feel closer to the club.
ReplyDeleteYou should surely be asking them what the plans are for a TV channel on SKY. If we are to make the Big 4 the Big 5 we can't be the only ones not to have one. It will pass the time of day when I get made redundant.
ReplyDeleteMark Burgess
ReplyDeleteIs that the same nice lad who did a gig for my sister last November?
Joel, French blue